Types of Languages (Computer Science)

Types of Languages (Computer Science)

There has always been the debate of wether HTML is a programming language or not. Then I saw the picture I used as my cover picture on the internet and I got the idea of writing about the types of languages.

Let's dive in.

1. Markup language

In computer text processing, a markup language is a system for annotating a document in a way that is syntactically distinguishable from the text, meaning when the document is processed for display, the markup language is not shown, and is only used to format the text. Markup language is a computer language that uses tags to define elements within a document. It contains words that can be understood by humans rather than typical programming syntax. It does not include any logic or algorithm. It just tells the browser how to display web page, arrange the texts on the webpages and style them. Examples are BBC, HTML, CSS, SGML and XML.

2. Programming language

Programming languages are set of codes or instructions which tells the computer what to do. This involves logic. Programming languages are high-level languages so we need a compiler to translate it to machine-level language for the computer to understand it. After writing this type of language, a compiler is used to translate it into machine-level language at once. The compiler scans the code and make sure there's no error. Examples of programming languages are C, C++, C#, java.

3. Scripting language

A scripting language is a subset of programming language. Scripting language is a programming language that executes tasks within a special run-time environment. Scripting languages don't work alone but works with other programming languages. Scripting languages are interpreted line by line instead of being compiled at once. Examples of scripting languages are Python, JavaScript, php, perl and VBScript.

NB: We can say all scripting languages are programming language but not all programming languages are scripting language. And scripting languages are slower than programming languages because they need to be interpreted line by line instead of compiling it at once.

4. Querying language

They are also called database languages. Querying languages requests and receives data from the data base and information system by sending queries. It creates, manage and access data from the database management system (DBMS). Examples of querying languages are SQL, MySQL, MongoDB and PostgreSQL.

Now you know the types of languages and how they are classified. Give this post a reaction(s), comment and share. Thanks.